We spend lots of time having fun with our friends and colleagues. Sometimes, spending too much time together can lead to repetitive and almost dull conversations. ... We've all been in that situation when we're chatting with a friend and the topic becomes stagnant or becomes stale. We're stuck trying to think of something to say, and nothing comes to mind. Those moments feel awkward. We need some creative ideas to keep us engaged and interested in the topic while chatting with friends. Which we say is a "conversation starter." We are discussing some points in the form of questions. Ask these questions with your friends at those awkward moments. These conversation starter questions will provide a better way to avoid monotony. Allow you to learn more about your friends.
What kind of work would you like to have if you could have anything you wanted? This one has the power to spark lots of discussions. Allows your friend to discuss their dream job. Your friend's answer may include an athlete, entrepreneur, model, actor, author, chef, musician, player, etc. Discuss your dream job, motivation, and ideal person after hearing about your friend's dream profession.
What will you have to add to your dream home? This conversation depends on your and your friend's heart of interest. You are free to talk about your interests. And how you wish to spend your leisure time at home to replenish your energies. A swimming pool, home theatre, bar, gaming room, gym, home garden, library, or music room are some of the amenities you want to add to your dream house.
You can't imagine your life without? With this discussion starter question, you and your friends can share their hobbies, addictions, loves, affections, devotions, crushes, and any other things can't live without. The phone, friends, the internet, family, a boyfriend/girlfriend, and a spouse are some of the possible responses.
What phobia do you fear most? You can use this question to discover your quirkiness, fears, freakiness, weirdness, weaknesses, phobias, secrets, anxieties, nerves, paranoia, and craziness about any subject, animal, or situation. It can be very amusing, thrilling, and exciting, and you'll love it when you discuss your specific fears. Fear of dogs, fear of heights, fear of lightning, fear of needles, fear of snakes, and social fear are a few of the phobias that you and your friend may be suffering from.
What has been your most desirable but unsuccessful New Year resolution so far? These conversations will disclose your weaknesses. Which you've been trying to overcome but haven't been able to do so. A few of your New Year's resolutions may include avoiding junk food, exercising, getting organized, losing weight, quitting smoking, quitting drinking alcohol, saving money, or studying more to get good grades. After knowing your and your friends' failed New Year resolutions, you get suggestions from each other on how to achieve your resolutions. Friends can motivate one another to quit bad habits forever.
What is the favourite subject you have always loved to study?It is fascinating to discover each other's favourite subjects during discussion. Some friends are weak in a particular subject stream and strong in others. Everyone has their interests in different streams. Once you've determined which of your friends is proficient in which specific subjects. Friends can get help in the areas where they are weak.
Also read: Truth or Dare, a Real Fun Party Game
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